Room in Your Heart 2024

This holiday season there will be families in our city that might otherwise go without a gift if it weren’t for the kindness of those they have never met. That’s why we are partnering with Wonderfund for our annual Boston tradition, Room in Your Heart. From now until December 16, we will have a room at The Lenox set aside solely for accepting gifts. Our goal is to fill the room to the point of overflowing and make the wishes of countless children that Wonderfund supports come true this holiday season.
November 14 – December 16
Bring new & unwrapped gifts to The Lenox and ask for the Room in Your Heart room
Place gift under tree and make dreams come true!
Wonderfund provides resources, comfort and dignity to children receiving services from the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families. They provide enrichment opportunities and can lend immediate support during emergency situations. In addition to providing goods and necessities, they facilitate and fund involvement in the arts, music, academics and athletics. We’re hoping to provide these children with items they want on top of the ones they need. Wonderfund’s most needed items are geared towards teenagers, but any toy donation is greatly appreciated.
We hope you can make some room in your heart to fill up the room in our hotel!